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Bust of Madonna, 1965


111.8 cm (H)

The Sorel Etrog Collection, Hennick Family Wellness Centre, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, ON

While Etrog is known for his work in Bronze, he also created marble sculptures as could be seen by the 1967 Bust of Madonna that followed the earlier bronze version of the same sculpture.


The motif of the mother is an important one in his oeuvre, but here Etrog chose to represent the theme through the art historical representation of the ultimate mother: Maria, the mother of Christ. Etrog was Jewish, but his sources of inspiration were global; the mother motif here replicates the Christian tradition, and includes a halo, which is echoed by the circular body of the Virgin.

Bust of Madonna, 1967


109.2 cm (H)

The Estate of Sorel Etrog

Bust of Madonna, 1965
Bust of Madonna (Marble).jpg
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